Tobacco sale age to be raised to 21

Tobacco Journal International • 13. November 2024

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly announced the passing of the Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill 2024 by the Seanad, completing its passage through both Houses of the Oireachtas, according to an official government press release.

The Bill will increase the minimum legal age of the sale of tobacco products to 21 years of age and is designed to accelerate the decline in adult smoking prevalence, which has remained at 18 per cent for several years, and to reduce smoking prevalence among children to zero. On enactment, Ireland will become the first country in the EU to raise its age of sale to 21, according to the press release.

“I thank my colleagues in the Dail and Seanad for supporting this Bill and moving us forward toward the end of combustible tobacco products in our country.

“Ireland has long been a world leader in tackling smoking, beginning with the workplace smoking ban in 2004 and continuing with a range of measures including restrictions around the sale, advertising and packaging of smoking products to make them less attractive and less available to young people,” said Donnelly.

Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy, Colm Burke said: “This measure will protect our young people from starting their adult lives with an addiction to a product that causes 76% of lung cancers here and kills half of those who use it. I have strongly supported its introduction from the beginning, and I look forward to its enactment.”

As per the press release, the Bill will now proceed to the President for consideration and signature. Upon being signed, the Act will take effect on 1 February 2028. This allows a transition period to ensure that individuals currently eligible to purchase tobacco products, specifically those aged between 18 and 21, are not impacted.

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