A company dedicated to create experiences in flavours for tobacco, shisha and vape.
Fruity and Floral Collection.
Itimad was the wife ofKing Muhammad al- Mutamid. She belonged to a neighborhood of Seville, Triana, where she had grown up in a family of potters. Living in the palace, she longed for her childhood in Triana, so the king decided to fill the courtyard of the Alcazar with a thick layer of mud kneaded with the most exquisite spices and perfumes of the kingdom, such as sugar, cinnamon, musk and orange blossom.
Beverages Collection.
Ziryab was an important figure in the court of the Cordoba Umayyad King Adb-er-Rahman II. The idea of the new emir was to turn the Umayyad capital into one of the most important cities in Europe and Ziryab was to give it that touch of refinement and exoticism. In the IX century, when Ziryab arrived in Cordoba, he sowed admiration, dressed in bright colors and plumage, breaking the aesthetic barrier to date.
InterTabac &
sind Messen der
Messe Dortmund GmbH
Strobelallee 45
44139 Dortmund
Telefon +49 (0) 231 1204-521
Telefax +49 (0) 231 1204-678