PT Pura Barutama is a company located in Indonesia. We are Paper Mill, Packaging and Printing.


PURA started as early as 1908 when the company was still a letterpress printing shop. PURA now has become an expansive industrial group with 30 integrated production divisions built on over 100-hectare area, accommodating 13,000 workforces, exporting products to more than 90 countries.

We are a private-owned company with the most patents in Indonesia. PURA has registered many of its innovations into more than 190 patents and more coming in the future.


We are manufacturer of NTM for Cigar and Cigarette Factories

Reconstituted Tobacco Paper

Our Recon Paper is a tobacco-based product that is produced through paper making process. Derived from natural tobacco, our Recon Paper has a genuine tobacco flavor and aroma. In the tobacco industry, the Recon Paper can be used to substitute cigarette paper and tobacco leaf binder on cigars. Our ranges are Recon Wrapper for the outer layer of cigar or little cigar as well as Recon Binder for inner layer of cigar, binding tobacco filler.



Ihre Ansprechpartner

Adrianus E. Hadisoebroto

Account Manager

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