Tao Cui
Adi Njoto Njoo - Vice President at PT Mangli Djaya Raya
Reimund Ameskamp
Mitja Carstensen, Geschäftsführer & Gründer - Fluxcode GmbH
Recyclable, Re-usable Disposable E-cigarettes?
Search for Acceptable Non-Acetate Filter Materials.
NGP/HNB: Keeping the “Consumer" in Consumer Products
Willkommen zur Staffelpremiere von Smoke Signals. Smoke Signals ist eine für die Premium-Zigarrenindustrie produzierte Fernsehsendung, die ihre Zuschauer auf eine Reise durch die Herstellung von Premium-Zigarren an exotischen Orten mitnimmt. In der ersten Folge begleiten wir den Gastgeber Claudio Sgroi in Peru.
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen diese Folge zur Verfügung stellen zu können.
In der Experten-Interview-Reihe "InterTabac Meets..." gibt es regelmäßig spannende Insights von internationalen Experten der Tabakbranche. In unterschiedlichen Schwerpunktreihen werden sämtliche Themen aus der Welt von InterTabac und InterSupply abgedeckt. Los geht es mit dem Themenschwerpunkt Shisha.
From France to the world…
Shortly before the start of InterTabac 2023, Philipp Markl talks to Pierre Jourdan from LES FINES LAMES. LES FINES LAMES is a leading brand for cigar accessoires and gave cigar cutters new utility and personality. Learn more about the success story of LES FINES LAMES and how the company is exploring the world from France and how they built their community and find new ideas. And last but not least: Philipp spoke with Pierre about their InterTabac participation and what visitors can expect.
In this episode you will meet Oliver Erlenkämper who is the Head of Track & Trace and is an absolut expert on the subject. He will give you valueable insights in the very complex Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) regulation. Learn more about the challenges, possible solutions and next steps.
Meet Emily Sahakian and her cousin Thierry Farah in InterTabac meets… latest series. In the middle of the pandemic, both founded their own cigar brand, CHATEAU DIADEM. They combine great professionalism with even more passion. In this interview, they both talk about their impressive journey to date. Shortly before InterTabac 2022, where they were represented for the first time, many things were still unclear. But the appearance was a success and since this year you can officially buy CHATEAU DIADEM in several European countries.
Philipp Markl im Gespräch mit Medhat Adel Emam, Global Director of 77 Group.
Philipp Markl im Gespräch mit Alain Crevet, CEO S.T. Dupont
Philipp Markl ist dieses Mal im Gespräch mit Rodrigo Medina, Regional Director EMEA & Asia, Plasencia Cigars
Philipp Markl ist dieses Mal im Gespräch mit Dustin Dahlmann, Vorsitzender beim Bündnis für Tabakfreien Genuss und Präsident des europäischen Verbands Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA).
Philipp Markl speaks with Bruce Busch, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Karen Berger/Don Kiki Cigars about how he came to his job, why he wanted to work for Karen so much and about his new role at Karen Berger/Don Kiki. We also asked him what makes the cigars special. In this interview you will also learn more about Boutique Cigars. About the challenges to enter the German Market and … what Bruce is looking forward to most during his visit to Intertabac.
Michael Blumendeller ist seit dem 01. März 1997 in der Villiger Söhne Gruppe in verschiedenen Führungsaufgaben tätig. Wir haben ihn zu seinen neuen Tätigkeiten als Manager Special Tasks and Projects befragt und auch über sein jüngstes Projekt – die neue Zigarrenfabrik in Nicaragua. Hören Sie rein und erfahren Sie, worauf er sich bei der InterTabac 2022 am meisten freut.
Philipp Markl im Gespräch mit Christoph A. Puszkar, Marketing und PR-Leiter von 5th Avenue, dem offiziellen Alleinimporteur von Havana Zigarren in Deutschland, Österreich und Polen.
Oliver Pohland, Geschäftsführer beim Verband des eZigarettenhandels (VdeH) ist seit über 150 Tagen und Till von Hoegen, 1. Vorsitzender beim Verband des eZigarettenhandels (VdeH) ist noch ganz neu seit Dezember 2021 im Amt.
Philipp Markl in conversation with two experts from the flavor industry.
Philipp Markl spricht mit Ruth Gunning, Board Director ESCA - European Shisha Community Alliance.
Stanislav Medkov, Head of meets Eugeniy Fedotov, Head of hookah tobacco consulting agency "Fedotov Group".
Stanislav Medkov, Chief of meets Anton Gayvoronsky, Head of and John Calliano TV blog
Stanislav Medkow, Chef von spricht mit Ilya Bychkov von VOSKURIMSYA COMPANYA /
Kurz vor Beginn der InterSupply trifft Philipp Markl Hugo Azinheira, Global Innovation & Marketing Director von ESSENTRA. In diesem Interview erfahren Sie, wie Essentra mit seinem neuen innovativen Filtersortiment die biologische Abbaubarkeit von Filtern beeinflussen und damit den CO2-Fußabdruck reduzieren will.
Entdecken Sie das Messeduo im Schnelldurchlauf. Wir freuen uns auf die nächste Messe!
Lernen Sie die InterTabac und InterSupply kennen. Die Weltleitmesse für Tabakwaren und Raucherbedarf.
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Christian Hinz spricht über seine Erfahrungen als Aussteller auf der InterTabac.
Peter Wörmann spricht über seine Erfahrungen als Aussteller auf der InterTabac.
Heinrich Villiger spricht über seine Erfahrungen als Aussteller auf der InterTabac.
Juliane Urlic über den Stellenwert der InterTabac für die S.T. Dupont Deutschland GmbH.
m kurzen Interview erläutert Christoph A. Puszkar den Stellenwert der Dortmunder Tabakmesse InterTabac im internationalen Vergleich.
Hinter der Reihe "Tobacco & Vape, News & Views, presented by Business Insights of InterTabac/ InterSupply and Tobacco Asia magazine" verbirgt sich eine Podcast-Reihe mit Gastgeber Thomas Schmid, mitwirkender Redakteur des Tobacco Asia Magazins.
Podcast #30:
Tao Cui
With increasingly more countries starting to ban disposable vapes, Chinese manufacturers are scrambling to adjust to the fast changing landscape. For some, it will be easier than for others, as they have always put a heavy focus on innovation. Tao Cui is Director of Innovation, Strategy and Compliance at Innokin Technology, one of China’s most progressive vape tech firms. In this podcast episode, he tells the audience what Innokin has up its sleeves, including MeFree, the world’s first metal-free heating coil, EcoDrain, a technology that makes batteries safe to discard, and Trine, a groundbreaking “3-in-1” vape system.
Podcast #29:
Christian Adi Njoto Njoo - Vice President at PT Mangli Djaya Raya
Christian Adi Njoto Njoo is the president of well-known Indonesian leaf merchant, PT. Mangli Djaya Raya. The company recently established a wholly-owned subsidiary, PT. Besuki Raya Cigars, one of Indonesia’s few premium cigar manufacturers. With brands such as El Gaucho, Airlangga, Brawijaya and, oddly, MyLockdown, the firm intends to restore an industry that had withered following Indonesia’s independence in 1945 from Dutch colonial rule and put Indonesia back on international cigar smokers’ radar.
Podcast #28:
Reimund Ameskamp (Ray) is head of international business at 250-year-old J.W. von Eicken, which is located in the old Hanseatic city of Lubeck, and today is Germany’s last remaining independent cigarette manufacturer. Ray fills us in how his company successfully prevails against the overwhelming competition from multinationals as well as an increasingly difficult regulatory environment, not only at home but also in dozens of countries abroad. While Ray admits that it is not always easy, von Eicken’s eclectic cigarette brand portfolio exclusively “Made in Germany” continues to strike a chord with smokers in many corners of the world.
Podcast #27:
Mitja Carstensen, Managing Director & Founder - Fluxcode GmbH
Tobacco product track & trace has become an obligation in all but a handful of markets. To handle all required processes with ease, German company Fluxcode is offering a groundbreaking all-in-one software suite that is not only fully compliant with the European Union’s TPD2 but also the T&T systems of the Middle East and Russia. Fluxcode’s managing director and co-founder, Mitja Carstensen, explains why his software product is the application of choice for any modern tobacco manufacturer.
Podcast #26:
Recyclable, Re-usable Disposable E-cigarettes?
Podcast guest is Sam Ong, co-founder and CEO of Airscream UK, a company which addressing the growing concerns that disposable vapes — one of the world’s fastest growing consumer products — pose possible environmental concerns. Airscream UK claims to offer the world’s first true disposable e-cigarette recycling system.
Podcast #25:
Search for Acceptable Non-Acetate Filter Materials.
Acetate for cigarettes filters is the material traditionally used, and it is inexpensive. However, with recent shortages of acetate, rising environmental concerns, taxes on single use plastics (which acetate falls under), even calls for the complete ban, are there any alternatives? Tobacco Asia’s podcast guest is Katja Selle, association sales director at McAirlaids, talks to us about new bridgeable, non-plastic products offered by her company and others.
Podcast #24:
NGP/HNB: Keeping the “Consumer" in Consumer Products
Our guest Is Mohamed Agrabawi, Senior Director of Corporate Affairs and Communications at ANDS, the “alternative nicotine delivery solutions ” products company headquartered in Dubai. Agrabawi, who draws on experience working in diplomacy the Middle East and working at Philip Morris regionally on its IQOS brand, talks to us about challenges the NGP business including delivering products to consumers that they like, the recycling possibilities of disposables, the Middle east market, and more. ANDS is quite well known throughout the Middle East and now sets its sights on Europe, establishing an office in the UK and exhibiting this year for the first time at InterTabac.
Podcast #23:
Nicotine: Natural vs Synthetic and Why Purity Matters
Our guest is Robin Ward, who is head of sales and marketing at Alchem Europe, the leading global supplier of nicotine for manufacturers. Robin talks to us about the many interesting aspects of nicotine and why purity matters when it comes to vapes and pouches.
Podcast #22:
Latest Legislative Trends Rattling the Tobacco and NGP Industries
Our guest is Raphael Moreau, analyst with Euromonitor International, specializing in beverage and tobacco including reduced risk products. He fills us in on the latest legislative trends rattling the tobacco industry from generational bans, excessive tax increases as smoking deterrent, curbing disposable vapes and the effect some of these have on increasing illicit trade.
Podcast #21:
A More Holistic Approach to Sustainability Programs in Tobacco
Tobacco companies have long put emphasis on GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) and sustainability. The latest advance is in this is investing in a more holistic approach ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). Our guest Pieter Sikkel, president and C.E.O. of PYXUS International, parent company of leading tobacco company Alliance One International fills us in on ESG and how it is realized globally in tobacco growing operations.
Podcast #20:
Challenges on the Way to Cannabis Decriminalization
Our guest is Georg Wurth, a life-long advocate for decriminalizing cannabis and founder/managing director of the German Cannabis Association. As Germany moves toward decriminalization and, perhaps, legalization, Wurth talks about his hopes for a cannabis-embracing Germany and also the countless obstacles strewn in the way for reaching that lofty goal.
Podcast #19:
China and the Global Supply of NGP
Guest is Jason Tian, the international representative of 2Firsts which is the most subscribed professional news media reporting on China's e-cigarette industry. It offers public database of the licensed Chinese manufacturers, and follows closely the global corporate and government affairs related to the e-cigarette industry. Jason talks to us about recent developments in China, which could effect the global supply and supppliers of NGP products, brands, hardware.
Podcast #18:
US Tobacco Markets Overseas
Our guest is Oscar House, the c.e.o. and president of Intertabac exhibitor US Tobacco Cooperative, a farmer owned flue-cured tobacco marketing cooperative in Southeastern United States. House talks to us about business with China, the market for flue-cured US leaf and US made cigarettes and cut rag. Due to the pandemic and disruptions in trade with China, US Tobacco declared bankruptcy in July 2021, and with trade to China restored, House explains how to successfully navigated to the company to re-emerge from bankruptcy only a year later with strong financials and operational positions.
Podcast #17:
Trends/Innovations in New Generation Products: What to Expect in 2023
Our guest is Aron Byrne-Carter, managing director of NGP Trends, which provides reports, workshops and consulting on….trends in NGP. We talk to Aron to get an overview of the direction that the NGP industry was headed this year, in both trends and products.
Podcast #16:
The History of the Smokeless “Cigarette”
Dr Roger Penn is a well known figure in the global tobacco industry. Most know him from his 22 years at leading flavor/fragrances houses Firmenich, IFF and most recently Mane Suisse. He is now the principal consultant for Las Casucha Consulting working form his bases in Indonesia and France. Roger’s experience in toxicology and developing tobacco products with major manufacturers goes back a long way and today, here’s here to talk about the history and development of smokeless cigarettes (or heat-not-burn products or heated tobacco products) going back to the late 1980s.
Podcast #15:
Talking About Global Cigars: Business and Opportunities
Justo Rico, well-known personality in the tobacco industry and principle of PCB (Premium Cigar Brands), headquartered in Barcelona, is a long time veteran of the global cigar business – selling and manufacturing premium cigars and securing tobacco. Justo talks to us about his business and the global world of cigars from Europe to Africa to Asia.
Podcast #14:
The luxury of a self-lighting cigarette.
Rom Soriano is a young Israeli who invented something that sounds just as crazy as it sounds intriguing: the self-igniting cigarette. But how does it work? And is it scalable for mass production? Tobacco Asia’s Thomas Schmid talks to Soriano’s business partner, Roy Weisberger.
Podcast #13:
David Ozgo, president of the Cigar Association of US
As several changes face the cigar industry, the Tobacco Asia podcast welcomes David Ozgo, president of the Cigar Association of US, the leading US trade cigar group to share his views on increases in the premium segment, decreasing venues for purchase and consumption, new flavor regulations, supply chain problems, and the US-Cuban cigar ban.
Podcast #12:
Sustainability in Manufacturing and Managing Resources
Packaging materials and paper notably use many resources and the processing can contribute to environmental degradation. Our guest is Liem Khe Fung, innovations director at BMJ (Bukit Maria Jaya) who discusses how his company is leading the way in managing resources and sustainability in its manufacturing processes.
Podcast #11:
Insights into different tobacco countries
Now that the masks have come off and and most countries have opened up again, and the tobacco industry— a notoriously travel-heavy industry — can take to the air again. Our podcast guest is Dr. Iqbal Lambat, CEO and president of Istanbul-based Star Agritech International, a medium-sized supplier of tobacco leaf and reconstituted tobacco. He’s a very avid traveler and will give insights into a handful of tobacco countries he is looking at.
Podcast #10:
Mike Ridgway, director of the Consumer Packaging Manufacturers Alliance
Gory warnings and plain packaging have disrupted the normal production/distribution of tobacco products and to most accounts, they have been a total failure in their express goal in reducing tobacco consumption. Instead, plain packaging destroys branding and makes life much easier for counterfeiters. Our guest is Mike Ridgway, long time consumer packaged goods expert and current director of the Consumer Packaging Manufacturers Alliance to talk to us about gory warnings, plain packaging and what the future holds for regulatory overreach on tobacco products globally.
Podcast #9:
George Cassels-Smith, CEO at Tobacco Technologies (TTI)
Synthetic nicotine, used in new generation products, is produced in a lab and not from the tobacco plant itself, which - until now - provided a regulatory escape route for some products manufacturers. Now, FDA regulate e-cigarettes and similar products using synthetic nicotine the same as those using plant-derived nicotine. Our guest is George Cassels-Smith, the well known CEO of Tobacco Technologies (TTI) and also director of Zanoprima Lifesciences, a supplier of SynNic synthetic nicotine. He discusses the regulations, uses, and the future of synthetic nicotine.
Podcast #8:
Dr. Nveed Chaudhary, Chief Scientific and Regulatory Officer at Broughton
Launching new style tobacco and vape products is getting much more complicating over the years with the ever-developing new rules, regulations, restrictions and and market barriers. Our guest in this podcast is Dr. Nveed Chaudhary, Chief Scientific and Regulatory Officer at Broughton Group, a consulting firm specializing in science and regulations, explaining that although product launches in the industry are quite complex, it is possible to pre-design a product for regulatory approval.
Podcast #7:
Mercedez Vazquez, CEO of International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA)
An overview of the challenges facing farmers and farming and what the industry and manufacturers are doing to help. Tobacco Asia talks with MERCEDES VAZQUEZ, the recently appointed c.e.o. of the International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA), which, founded in 1984, is the global growers association whose core objectives focus on the sustainability of tobacco farmers and their communities.
Podcast #6:
Mark McQuillan, Managing Director of Nicobrand, which is part of Contraf Nicotex Tobacco
"Synthetic Nicotine: Uses/Development and is it a tobacco product?"
Podcast #5:
KAMEL JABBOUR, Director of ESCA, European Shisha Community Alliance
A talk with KAMEL JABBOUR on hookah/shisha, the highly sociable tobacco product category to clear up the air on the myths and misconceptions on its health aspects, consumer appeal, ingredients, labeling requirements, and unfair taxation.
Podcast #4:
ERIC PIRAS, a veteran cigar marketer and purveyor in Hong Kong and China
A talk with Eric Piras, long time Asia cigar expert formerly with Pacific Cigar, and Altadis and now with cigar venues in Hong Kong and a consultancy in China on cigars.
An overview with a barebones structure on how — and if — this is possible and whether it is worth trying.
Podcast #3:
CECILIA KINDSTRAND ISAKSSON, director of public affairs, Swedish Match "Let's talk about SNUS"
A talk with CECILIA KINDSTRAND ISAKSSON, director, public affairs, Swedish Match on that company’s iconic and controversial snus products, which some call the original reduced risk tobacco product.
What is the product? And if it is reduced risk, why is it illegal in the EU and other markets? What is being done to clarify snus status as a reduced risk product globally?
Podcast #2:
Upcoming EU Plastic Packaging Requirements and the Tobacco Business
A talk with HUGO AZINHEIRA, global innovation and marketing director at ESSENTRA, the leading global suppliers of specialty filters and scientific services for the tobacco industry.
Podcast #1:
"Prohibition and the Nanny State and the Hows/Whys of Defending the Right to Smoke”.
A talk with Simon Clark, director of the UK smoker’s lobby group FOREST.
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