Dortmund, 15 August 2024 – Cannabis was partially legalised in Germany in April 2024 – medical cannabis no longer falls under the Narcotics Act (known in Germany as the BtMG), and home cultivation and recreational cannabis use have also been legalised. These changes have led to a real boom, both in demand and in supply. These legislative changes open up
new horizons for the industry in this country, and indeed they also bring entirely new issues and challenges. This topic – together with the overall situation and future plans in other European countries – will take centre stage at CB EXPO 2024 which will also focus on the promotion of hemp as a raw material and the latest trends and challenges in the field of
medicinal cannabis. Ever with an eye to the overarching goal which is to create a sustainable European cannabis industry for future generations.
Cannabis meets the tobacco industry
Unlike last year, when CB EXPO took place at the 'Kongress Dortmund' convention centre, it will be held this year in the immediate vicinity of the North Entrance complex at Messe Dortmund. The spacious exhibition area offers businesses the opportunity to present their brands, products and services outside the confines of the cannabis industry to an
international audience of experts in the tobacco and next-generation products industry. This will open up new opportunities for everyone involved. Ben Arn, Managing Director of the CB Company and organiser of CB EXPO, is looking forward to the second event in Dortmund (and the fourth event overall): “We're delighted that CB EXPO is being held in Dortmund again and that in doing so we are deepening our partnership with Messe Dortmund. The synergy with the globally recognised twin shows InterTabac and InterSupply opens up even more opportunities for businesses in both sectors, as the target audiences often overlap. Also, exhibitors can benefit from both sides' expertise in the areas of regulation, marketing, sustainability and sales, and this will of course benefit consumers as well. We're convinced that this event will help advance the industry and promote sustainable development. Our aim is to create an environment in which new business relationships are formed and the course is set for a successful future.”
High levels of expertise and networking potential in the supporting programme
In addition to the growing number of exhibitors, the CB CONFERENCE on the first two days of the shows will feature an informative conference programme across three stages – the Main Stage, the Deep Dive Stage and the INCBA Stage. The conference will see acknowledged experts in their specialist fields sharing their knowledge and shedding light on current developments in this rapidly growing sector.
One example of this is the Cannabis Law Conference which is being held for the second time in collaboration with the International Cannabis Bar Association in Europe (INCBA Europe) where up to 20 top lawyers from all over Europe are awaited on 19 and 20 September. The speakers will shed light on the legal aspects of the challenges and opportunities arising from the changing regulatory environment and the resulting market developments in Europe.
Another highlight of CB EXPO are the networking opportunities. On Friday 20 September, the CB RECEPTION will be held between 19:00 hrs and midnight, offering the ideal opportunity for networking and dialogue between participants. The CB AFTERPARTY on Saturday 21 September will commence at 22:00 hrs, offering another opportunity to make contacts and see the show close in a relaxed atmosphere.
For more information, please visit the official CB EXPO website which also contains detailed information on the various ticket options. One advantage this year is that CB EXPO tickets also admit the holders to InterTabac and InterSupply.
The latest information, show highlights and news surrounding InterTabac can be found on the
show's website, on
LinkedIn and directly via
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